A Hoarder’s Quest In Sustainability: Should we combat our love of indulgence for the safety of our planet?

Hannah Gravett talks explains her recent realisation of her consumerist habits. Breaking down her lifestyle and understanding the harm it can cause.

Veganuary: Does it make any difference?

Megan d’Ardenne explores the benefits of Veganuary – from supporting the environmental to improving your health. Could a vegan diet suit you?

The Anti-Vaccination Movement and its Effects on Society

Anthony Balchin explores the origin of the Vaccine and the overall impact the anti-vaccination movement has on humanity and the risks posed.

Is Nuclear Fusion an Answer to Our Climate Crisis?

Holly Thompson briefly explains Nuclear Fusion – a potentially ideal power source, with no pollution and an arguably limitless source of fuel.

Guildford’s Climate Strike

Ellen Parry explores the upcoming ‘Strike 4 Guildford Climate’ march and the positive impact similar marches are having on governments internationally.

Sustainable Beauty Alternatives

With the UN declaring a ‘Planetary Crisis’, Megan d’Ardenne explores the impact of the cosmetics industry and what we can do to help.

“There is no Planet B” – Global Climate Strike 2019

Last Friday, Megan d’Ardenne joined the millions of people taking to the streets demanding action, days before the UN’s Global Climate Summit

The Apollo 11 Landing – 50 Years On

Holly Thompson goes back in time to the moon landing, exploring its purpose and impact.

Veganism on Campus: Eating and Awareness

Holly Saunders explores many reasons why people are vegan, including environmental awareness and healthy eating and the need for greater awareness.

Will We Ever Understand Dark Matter?

Dark matter makes up mos of the matter in our universe, however we are still perplexed by its mysterious nature. Prof. Justin Read is interviewed by Anthony Balchin and Holly Thompson.

Why recycling won’t solve our plastic problem

Katie MacMillan explores our everyday waste production and its effects, raising awareness of what we can all do to improve

Sustainability this Christmas


Giving vision to robots with Pedro Proença

Mafalda Farelo interviews Pedro Proença regarding his PhD project – looking at the difficulties and successes he’s experienced throughout his research.

From Gamma Factory to creating Dark Matter: What happens inside the Large Hadron Collider?

FRESHERS SPECIAL: Anthony Balchin gives an insight into one of the most ambitious projects taking place on earth.

Cassini – A Year On

This saturday marks one year since the Cassini program ended, Holly Thompson investigates one of NASA’s most ambitious missions and explores the discoveries it made.

The Medical Device Industry: Where’s the Problem?

An in-depth critique of modern medicine’s trajectory, and an insight into the wave of commercialism driving the industry away from peoples needs.

by Tim Wilcox

An Interview with Jim Al-Khalili

An Interview with Jim Al-Khalili.

by Connor Ibbetson

Calling All Future Game Developers!

Following on from the success of last year’s event, a second G3 Futures Event, aimed at galvanising the Guildford-based games industry, is taking place at the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre on 29 June from 5.00pm. Free to attend, this will provide an opportunity 

Surrey Astronomers Observe Mercury’s Transit

Only a handful of times per century do we get to witness Mercury transiting our Sun. On Monday 11th May we welcomed the public to our telescope dome on campus to see this exciting event for themselves. We had a 10inch Meade telescope with a